hacen parte de la solución que estamos ofreciendo a todo el país para afrontar esta pandemia mundial. COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS Nuestra compañía esta poniendo su grano de arena para que Colombia salga triunfante de esta pandemia mundial, importando al país todo lo necesario para el diagnóstico del COVID-19 por Biología Molecular.

Colección, preservación y transporte de muestras

Total Nucleic Acid Preservation Tubes

  • No need to immediately process samples
  • Total DNA, including viral DNA, preserved at room temperature over 4 months
  • Total RNA, including viral RNA, preserved at room temperature over 2 months
  • Inactivate microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses
  • Ship swab samples at room temperature safely
  • Compatible with most DNA and RNA isolation methods


  • No need to immediately process samples
  • Total DNA, including viral DNA, preserved at room temperature over 4 months
  • Total RNA, including viral RNA, preserved at room temperature over 2 months
  • Inactivate microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, yeast and viruses
  • Ship swab samples at room temperature safely
  • Compatible with most DNA and RNA isolation methods

Extraction de RNA Viral

AccuPrep® Viral RNA Extraction Kit (100 reactions)

  • AccuPrep® Viral RNA Extraction Kit allows rapid extraction of viral RNA taken from various cell-free samples such as serum, plasma, CSF and urine with ease. Furthermore, poly(A) powder is included in the product for improved efficiency. This product can seperate comprehensive types of viral RNA from HIV, HAV, HCV, enterovirus, etc. The isolated RNA can be used for a wide range of experiments such as RT-PCR and Quantitative Real time RT-PCR, etc. Spin column type

Total RNA Purification Kit

  • Extract high quality & purity total RNA including miRNA
  • No phenol step required
  • Bind & elute all RNA irrespective of size or GC content, without bias
  • Efficiently extract small RNA irrespective of GC content
  • Very sensitive & linear down to a few cells without the need for carrier RNA
  • Convenient & fast spin column format
  • Isolate from a wide variety of specimens
  • Purified RNA is suitable for a variety of downstream applications, including Small RNA Sequencing. Find out more information on Norgen's NGS services

Deteccion por qPCR

Kit de deteccion de COVID-19 (Protocolo de Berin – Multiplex)

  • SARS-CoV-2 detection based on based on the Charité/Berlin protocol (E/RdRP genes) recommended by WHO.
  • Primer & Probe Mixes contain all E gene/RP and RdRP gene assays in individual tubes
  • All assays are premixed to the working concentrations recommended by the Charité/Berlin protocol.
  • Positive Control contains the three SARS-related target genes: E gene, RdRP gene as well as the human RP (internal control).
  • Convenient ready-to-use 2X One-Step RT-PCR Master Mix
  • Manufactured under ISO 13485:2016 for research use only
  • Find out more information about our complete COVID-19 workflow

Sondas y Oligonucleotidos a su medida.

  • Sintetizamos todas las sondas que usted requiera para el diagnostico del COVID-19 (escalas de síntesis desde 50nmoles hasta 1 µmolar)

Control Positivo para COVID (Control Plasmids for SARS-CoV-2 Research)

Nuestros aliados comerciales para esta pandemia son

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